The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has had an undeniable impact in terms of the care that we can provide and our ability to fundraise, which means we need your support now more than ever before.
£5 could cover the cost of a jingly jangly musical instrument, giving the children we support a chance to get creative and enjoy themselves with guidance from our Music Therapist.
£10 could cover the cost of a story time session in the sensory room. Our sensory rooms are equipped with musical floors, fibre optics, mirrors, lights, bubble tubes and water beds and are the perfect environment to lose yourself in a story.
£15 could cover the cost of a memento teddy bear that reminds children of their sibling when they’re not with them.
£25 could pay for a child’s name to be engraved on a star or leaf to hang on the memory trees in our bereavement gardens, giving families somewhere to visit and remember.
£35 could pay for hand and foot casts and a memory box giving families somewhere to keep and treasure precious moments and memories.
£50 could fund the annual servicing costs of a cold blanket ensuring it is always available for families who want to say goodbye in their own time after their child has died.
£70 could pay for a valuable 1-2-1 dramatherapy session allowing supported children and siblings to identify and express their emotions by engaging in guided play. They can develop resilience and learn new coping strategies.
£100 could help pay from a crisis visit for a Community Nurse during a medical emergency.
£120 could allow a family to stay in a family bedroom at the hospice giving them the chance to say goodbye in their own time.
£250 could pay for a month’s worth of supplies for art therapy sessions, allowing children to explore their thoughts and worries in a safe and suitable environment.
£500 could pay for a specialist nurse to talk through the transition period from hospital to hospice, or alternate provisions for end-of-life care, covering all the options to ensure the family is supported through the process.